People of all ages love to eat cookies. During Christmas people love to bake cookies and give the same to their family and friends. There are many types of cookies one can make. But the process of making the sugar cookies is complicated in comparison to chocolate cookies. Some of the facts about Color My Cookie have been discussed in this article.

Important tips to consider for cookie decoration 

  1. For the perfect cookies, the thickness of the dough is one of the important attributes to consider.  The thin dough can cause the cookies to spread, as well as lose their shape. This also can develop an uneven surface. At the time of rolling out the dough, the thickness must not be thinner than 1/4″.
  2. After cutting out the cookies, one must freeze them inside the freezer for about 5 min. This mainly provides the desired firmness to the cookies and also helps in maintaining their shape perfectly.
  3. One may not use the custom cookie cutter all the time to cut the cookies. One may use their cookie cutters in different directions and make some awesome designs. One may also use a combination of cookie cutters to make some unique designs.

Important aspects to consider for cookie coloring 

  1. There are mainly four different types of food coloring. These are gel, liquid, paste, powder, as well as natural ingredients. The usage of this type of coloring mainly depends on what someone is coloring icing, cookie dough, or sugar. Too much coloring on the cookie can destroy the texture.
  2. One can personalize the color choice of the cookie depending on the occasion. One can bake the cookies for holidays, weddings or for kid’s graduation, etc.
  3. If someone is combining two or more colors then it is necessary to do it in a separate vessel before adding the same to the cookie dough. Also, while adding the color one needs to add the color in small batches. It is necessary because one may not be able to remove the extra color once it is being added to the dough.
  4. After adding the color one may wash their stained hands with the help of water. They can wipe their hands smoothly with the help of a washcloth. In case of tough stains, one can use the baking soda to make a paste for washing their hands and then remove the stains. 

These are some of the basics to consider for cookie coloring.

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